⛏️ Welcome to the Minecraft Heads API! This API allows you to get the head of any Minecraft player's skin as an 8x8 PNG image. While this API is completely free to use, please act responsibly and do not abuse it 🙏 Simply use the player's UUID as the path to get their head. Example usage: - /069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5 - /069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5.png - /069a79f444e94726a5befca90e38aaf5 - /069a79f444e94726a5befca90e38aaf5.png * Check out CraftLink - the simplest way to let your players connect their Minecraft account to Discord at craftlink.sexnine.xyz * Open source and MIT licensed at github.com/CraftLinkApp/heads * Shout out to wiki.vg for their awesome work documenting the Mojang API and Minecraft protocol 💖 ===================================================================== The game Minecraft is created by Mojang AB and is not affiliated with this site. (c) sexnine 2024